Инд. авторы: Alifirova T.A., Pokhilenko L.N., Korsakov A.V., Zelenovskiy P.
Заглавие: Spectral features of crichtonite series minerals from preferentially oriented inclusions in pyropes from mantle xenoliths of yakutian kimberlites (russia)
Библ. ссылка: Alifirova T.A., Pokhilenko L.N., Korsakov A.V., Zelenovskiy P. Spectral features of crichtonite series minerals from preferentially oriented inclusions in pyropes from mantle xenoliths of yakutian kimberlites (russia) // ГеоРаман-2016. - 2016: OFSET. - P.48-48.
Идентиф-ры: РИНЦ: 29327105;
Издано: 2016
Физ. хар-ка: с.48-48