Инд. авторы: Sinyakova E.F., Kosyakov V.I., Borisenko A.S.
Заглавие: Effect of the Presence of As, Bi, and Te on the Behavior of Pt Metals during Fractionation Crystallization of Sulfide Magma
Библ. ссылка: Sinyakova E.F., Kosyakov V.I., Borisenko A.S. Effect of the Presence of As, Bi, and Te on the Behavior of Pt Metals during Fractionation Crystallization of Sulfide Magma // Doklady Earth Sciences. - 2017. - Vol.477. - Iss. 2. - P.1422-1425. - ISSN 1028-334X. - EISSN 1531-8354.
Идентиф-ры: DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X1712008X; РИНЦ: 32806401; WoS: 000419076000009;
Реферат: eng: The results of study of the chemical and phase compositions of three Ag-, Au-, platinum group element-, As-, Bi-, and Te-bearing samples, which are the product of directed crystallization of the Cu-Fe-Ni sulfide melt, are presented. One sample contained only metals, the second one was additionally doped with As, and the third one was enhanced in As, Bi, and Te. The mechanism of formation of the minerals of the platinum group metals during fractionation crystallization of multicomponent sulfide melts was proposed on the basis of interpretation of experimental data.
Издано: 2017
Физ. хар-ка: с.1422-1425