Nikolay Ovsyuk

Group of physical properties of minerals (lab. 436)

Institute of Geology and Mineralogy

Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Science interests

After finishing Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of Physics in 1967, I started to work at the Novosibirsk Institute of Semiconductor Physics as a junior scientific researcher. I received the Degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 1979. The title of my thesis is "Multioscillation spectra of electroreflectance of germanium". Since 1985 till now I am employed as a leading scientific researcher at the Novosibirsk Institute of Geology and Mineralogy (Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences). I was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 1993 at the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Troitsk). The title of my thesis is "The vibrational properties of the low-dimensional systems". In addition, at the present time I am working as a professor at the Novosibirsk Institute of Technology in the department of mathematical and natural sciences in the section of physics.

My main science interests have always included multioscillatory electroreflection of semiconductors, low-frequency Raman scattering and far infrared absorptioin of the low-dimensional semiconductor systems such as quantum dots, quantum wires, quantum films and fractals. The scope of my interests in mineralogy now concerns the investigation of the initial stages of nucleation in minerals by low-frequency Raman and Fourier transform spectroscopies. In addition we have investigated the dynamic and static mechanisms of the amorphization of the number of frame minerals induced by external pressure and also by cation exchange. More recently we have investigated the dynamics of zeolite amorphization with an increase of pressure. The transition between two amorphous phases of different density in zeolites was discovered using the Raman scattering. I am the regular referee for the Physical Review journals.

Group of physical properties of minerals (lab. 436)
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy
Koptyug Pr. 3 • Novosibirsk 630090 • RUSSIA

tel 011-7-383-330-4427 • fax 011-7-383-333-2792

Last update November 20, 2016

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