Инд. авторы: Logachev P.V., Semenov Y.I., Sharapov V.N., Boguslavskii A.E., Podgornykh N.M.
Заглавие: Some Structural and Mineralogical Peculiarities of Quenching Liquids Obtained by Melting of Mantle Ultrabasite Xenoliths and Mafic Volcanics by an Electron Beam
Библ. ссылка: Logachev P.V., Semenov Y.I., Sharapov V.N., Boguslavskii A.E., Podgornykh N.M. Some Structural and Mineralogical Peculiarities of Quenching Liquids Obtained by Melting of Mantle Ultrabasite Xenoliths and Mafic Volcanics by an Electron Beam // Doklady Earth Sciences. - 2018. - Vol.481. - Iss. 2. - P.1095-1098. - ISSN 1028-334X. - EISSN 1531-8354.
Идентиф-ры: DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X18080317; РИНЦ: 35737683; SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85052822936; WoS: 000443557400028;
Реферат: eng: The experimental results presented below shine a light upon the physics of phase transition processes during melting, intensive evaporation, and subsequent explosive destruction of stony meteorites entering the Earth's atmosphere.
Издано: 2018
Физ. хар-ка: с.1095-1098
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